If you found this article you are probably a brand new mom rocking in your glider Googling “How to get my baby to sleep”. You’re in desperate need of sleep yourself and looking for any tip to help your baby learn the difference between night and day. I know the feeling of rocking back and forth at 3 a.m. exhausted from getting your baby to sleep. The first few months with Lainie were a big struggle. I can remember pushing Lainie in her stroller down our hallway in tears from the lack of sleep and the uphill battle of nursing. I don’t think I ever felt so hopeless and lost as I did then.
When I began my newborn photographer training, one of the very first things they drill into us is safe and effective baby sleep practices. Seeing how easy it was to get newborns to sleep by following a few tricks and staying consistent nearly brought those tears back to my eyes.
Lainie is 5 now and we just about have our sleep routine down. However, those long tear-filled nights (my tears, not Lainies) are not forgotten.
Meet Yani, Savannah Moms on Call Consultant
Enter Yani, owner of Baby Bear Necessities, registered nurse, and independent Moms on Call consultant for the Savannah area. We met last fall when I photographed her sweet family on Hampton Island. After chatting for a bit and following each other on Instagram, I knew that we had to get her sleep tips and share them with all of Savannah’s new moms.

Yani’s desire is to support families in their journey to become confident and well-rested so that they can enjoy time with their babies. As a mom on-call consultant and as a mother to a gorgeous daughter, she knows first hand that navigating those first months as a new parent can be a little daunting and a lot exhausting. She has compiled a few practical tips to help set your baby up for restful sleep.
- Tight swaddle
- A tight swaddle for babies under three months of age is a crucial component to setting your baby up for their best sleep. A swaddle that is done correctly will prevent your precious baby from startling themselves awake inadvertently due to their startle (Moro) reflex. And yes, this even applies to babies that “like to sleep with their hands by their face.” With their arms securely down by their sides, they can feel as safe and snug as they did in the womb.

- Sound machine
- The right sound machine can drastically improve a baby’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. White noise that is turned on for naps and nighttime helps their brains get into deep REM sleep. It should be placed approximately two feet away from the head of the crib and level with the mattress. While there are countless sound machines available on the market, a lot of them simply are not loud enough. Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you are able to hear the white noise through the closed nursery door, it passes the loudness test!

- Consistency
- Babies learn by routine and association. By implementing the principles above consistently, you are helping your baby learn when to sleep. They will begin to associate the swaddle and sound machine with sleep time. Additionally, set nap times and a predictable bedtime routine are also important in establishing healthy sleep habits. Getting proper rest is not only necessary to your baby’s development but also beneficial for the entire family…parents need rest too!

For more information on the services that Yani offers, including in-home or virtual consultations, please visit www.babybearconsulting.com or on Instagram @baby.bear.consulting